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We transform businesses of most major sectors with powerful and adaptable digital solutions that satisfy the needs of today.
Let's talk about your project and then you will decide whether we are the right partner for it implementation. We encourage you to contact and free consultation.
The restaurant has been proudly a member of the Polish Association of People with Celiac Disease and on a Gluten-Free Diet since 2020.
Get to know Wierzbowa 15 - a place where excellent technique, culinary craftsmanship and attention to relationships come together to create an experience…
Elevate your journey with us, where technology and innovation meets excellence!
Several applications and a central system for analysis, evaluation and management of projects and investments. Comprehensive project execution, starting…
The Artesse restaurant is a promise of extraordinary experiences at the level of all the senses. We have created an unconventional place for you, intended…
A leading catering company on the Polish market. Website maintenance and development of a comprehensive catering management system. Production management,…
Shirt production management system including B2B/B2C order management, production processes, inventory control, supply and logistics. Multi-level access…
Barter exchange system, exchange portal, e-commerce store, creation of barter payment methods, integration of other mixed payment methods with accompanying…
The company specializes in the processing of plastics, the production of molds for the production of PET containers and injection mold parts for preforming,…
Online voucher management system. Campaign configuration, predefined vouchers and parameterization of the conditional offer and functionality of individual…
HVAC service company, one of the leading service companies in Paris, France. It provides services for medium and larger enterprises and corporations, with…
Production of foundation slabs. Development of an online system with an automatic pricing and automatic quoting system. Project management and project…
Building a web application for companies designing solar panels. Project creation, installation planning, selection of mounting system, panel positioning,…
Event management, creating surveys and a project evaluation system. Multi-level voting and generating reports and results. Daily programming and graphic…
For the last 15 years, we have been cooperating with a Polish banking institution and SKOK group companies, successfully implementing and developing 7…
WATA - the application was designed and developed to promote the idea of ecological cardio training in fitness facilities, in cooperation with SportsArt…
Brasserie L'Olympique is a unique restaurant whose heart beats to the rhythm of French cuisine. Located in a picturesque corner of the city, this charming…
A system for managing the circulation of sea and land workers in an employment agency. Team management and settlement of projects and partners. Management…
Construction of websites, training management applications, mobile applications, implementation of cryptocurrency, investor panel (smart contract) and…
An organizationally separated unit operating within the structures of Bank Pekao. Dedicated application for managing equipment and its circulation among…
System for managing and settling hotel investments in the condo system. Reports, current settlements of rental costs and income. Management system with…
Metal products production management system. Comprehensive service for the tool room, technologist, designer, production and sales zone. Product cards,…
Eurometal adheres to the highest standards of website maintenance, providing services to thousands of customers and suppliers. Our central management system…
Trattoria Degusti is a unique place in the heart of Krakow that allows you to experience real Italian cuisine.
Development of a comprehensive individual training management system. A tool supporting trainers in creating and managing training plans and facilitating…
Dobry Hotel Group currently manages 23 hotels. These include facilities located in Tricity, Jastarnia, Kołobrzeg, Mikołajki, Poznań, Warsaw, Kraków, Wrocław…
Law Office
Contract Generation in the System. Accelerating the sales process, offering additional discounts for signing and paying the contract within a specified time frame. Managing sales representatives, monitoring contract execution, and generating multiple documents pre-filled with client data automatically. Introducing task management for better project execution.
Implementation of Sales Representative Panels and Contract Generator Enabling the generation of contracts with contractors based on predefined document templates. Launching a module for vouchers, monitoring contract execution, and task management. Control dashboard, reports, and analytics to enhance operational efficiency. .
Accounting Office
Reduction of time spent on creating offers, contracts, generating, and signing documents. Elimination of problematic errors and mistakes. Introduction of automation for amending multiple contracts simultaneously. Support for managing multiple entities of one owner within a single system.
Automation of the offer creation process. Implementation of a contract and document generator (contracts, attachments, authorizations, others) with contractors based on predefined document templates for a specific client type.
Hotel and Restaurant Network
Centralized, collective purchasing from suppliers along with their monitoring. Coordination of demand and orders (cost control) across multiple dispersed company branches. Monitoring of purchases, optimization of supply (quantity/price), and logistics.
Implementation of a supply module enabling the automatic generation of orders from individual company branches and facilities to various suppliers. Application of limits, approvals, and purchase price optimization (comparison of current offers/price history). Reports and statistics.
Porozmawiajmy o Twoim projekcie, po czym zdecydujesz, czy jesteśmy odpowiednim partnerem do jego realizacji. Serdecznie zachęcamy do kontaktu i bezpłatnej konsultacji.
Ponad 20 Lat Doświadczenia – Twoja Droga do Cyfrowej Doskonałości. Portfolio